Ongoing projects



“StartBIO: from lab to business” entrepreneurship programme for life sciences innovators

In 2024, Northtown Vilnius, together with partners, initiated the “StartBIO: from lab to business” entrepreneurship programme in life sciences.

Project partners: 2AM Health, Vilnius University Life Sciences Center, Northtown Vilnius

Project implementation period: 2023 – 2024

Project goals: to introduce entrepreneurship opportunities in the field of life sciences, provide knowledge of business and entrepreneurship, inspire efforts to commercialise research results, and encourage the creation of startups and spin-off companies in the life sciences field. The project also aims to increase the number of doctoral students, researchers, and innovators involved in business creation in Lithuania.

Project description:

This 7-week program is designed for master’s and doctoral students in the field of life sciences, as well as researchers and innovators (biotechnology, life sciences, pharmacy, bioinformatics, health/medical engineering) interested in assessing the commercial potential of their research or ideas and acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for business development.

Requirements for the participants:

  • Participants, when submitting applications, must have an idea or research results, technologies with commercial potential that they want to validate.
  • Participants must understand and speak English fluently and be willing to dedicate at least 5 hours per week to program participation, homework, or mentorship.
  • 5-7 teams, each consisting of at least two participants, are selected.

More information:


Jurga Buzytė, Project manager
Phone: +370 5 274 5407